Tuesday 30 June 2009


The above images and the story
pre-dates the three following ones
TravelsInMemoryLand 1,2 and 3

This story concerns a recent visit to my brother’s place in Pt.Lincoln.

A nature boy, he took me on a journey of the lower Eyers Peninsula
While his delight seemed to come from the somewhat wild ride
Mine came mainly from the visuals of the sand and sky

“at the cosmic filling station, always ask for a full tank”

to be continued........

Monday 29 June 2009


Today in Daylesford
we are having one of those
soft misty introspective days
reason for celebrating the inner life

"Industry without art is brutality"

Wednesday 24 June 2009


I was awakened out of my winter slumber by this magical image
the light borrowed from a dutch 17th century painting

a wonderful home coming present after my journey to S.A.
of which more later when I have sorted the images

I did not blog during my journey
practicing more the 'being here fully now' edict

"The heart has its reasons that the mind knows nothing of"